Today I am so thankful for our Veterans. Their jobs are one of the hardest jobs out there, yet they go proudly and fight for us each and everyday to make sure we can maintain our freedom. Folks, now that is a true hero. They care so much about us and our country that they are putting their life on the line each and everyday! I am so thankful and proud of you Veterans. You all are always in our prayers and thoughts all during the year. I’m so glad we can dedicate this time to you so we all can show you our support.
M’s school had “Bring a Vet Day” to school last Friday. The first grade classes put this together each year and M was so excited that her classroom was homebase and that she would get to greet and meet the veterans first. Her teacher gave her a speaking part for this big day and she was so eager to learn it. Once she learned it, she was repeating it to us all day long. Last Friday morning, the excitement in her voice and the sparkle in her eyes was just priceless. She could not wait to get to school and see how her classroom had transformed into Vet central and be able to meet all the Vets. I just love her soul because she said mommy I just want to tell them thank you! They have been talking in class all about the different divisions of the military and I believe she is so excited to get to meet each branch. I’m so thankful her school did this and to bring more awareness to our Veterans.
I will post a video tomorrow of her doing a song in sign language for the Veterans. She definitely made us proud :).
Thank you Veterans for serving our country PROUDLY!!! We love and adore you all.

Its always so great to see a young child who is eager to thank a serviceman and understand what they did for our country.
Such a small kid doing so much for a veteran is a very big thing!!!
Really shame on us…we just plan to do something for veteran but this little kid started job.
It’s really great thing !!!! Veterans are doing good job thanks for them
a veteran very young and cute! and clever too, as we see from his eyes!
It’s really great thing !!!! Veterans are doing good job thanks for them
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Well, we should all be thankful for our veterans, for their sacrificing spirit and commitment to protect their country. I’m sure they appreciate the acknowledgement of fellow citizens and the benefits available for them in each state, ranging from health to financial advantages. It shows that their service was not in vain, and that society is still able to recognize the heroes within itself.