As you know, we are all about healthy living here at One Moms World. Healthy living campaigns are popping up all over the US and it could not bring more happiness to my soul to see this happening here in our own country. The happiest place on Earth, Disney World, has started their own campaign to healthy living with the Disney Magic of Healthy Living.
Disney Magic of Healthy Living is a new national multimedia initiative designed to partner with parents in their quest to raise healthy, happy kids, ultimately helping to create a healthier generation of kids and families. The campaign draws on the many assets and platforms of The Walt Disney Company and builds on the momentum of landmark nutritional guidelines introduced in 2006 associating Disney brands and characters with a more nutritionally balanced range of foods.
As a mom, I realize that the things that I am doing now, are what my girls are going to think is acceptable in their adulthood. That is why as America, we need to be watching our food choices, being active more and living a more healthier life. Disney partnered with former Redskins Football Player – Darrell Green for this magical weekend.

He had a great message as what we need to do as a nation. He has started his own healthy family website that will get families moving more. Look for post soon on this incredible and fun adventure. Darrell had the kids divided up into teams and participate in several fun activities. M was amazing me at how high she can jump. Look at that air!

Here is a shore 2 minute recap of the day.
You may say, “Jen, I find it so hard to do healthy living at home with my family.” Stop worrying as Disney is here to help you. Disney has created recipes, fitness tips, and fresh ideas to help you make healthy living happen at home. Click on the images below for more info.
Kids’ Healthy Eating
Farmer’s Market
Jumping Rope
Let’s start now and make our children’s lives so much easier when they become adults. Here is to a new and healthier family lifestyle :::cheers:::

Awww, look at how big M is smiling in that photo! Love it! And I love that Disney is making it easier for families to incorporate healthy living into their busy lives. Thanks for this!
Love this idea! You can also grow a veggie garden, and cook some healthy yummy meals!