This year has already proven to be flying by. Seriously, how can it be April already? Before long, we are going to be half way through the year. If you stop and look back on the year already, can you say you have spent a lot of family time outside the walls of technology? Not a lot of families can and it really worries me.
My husband and I were just speaking of this, that we want our girls to know that we spent time with them as a family doing other things than just going out to eat or shopping. We want the girls to remember we took the time to do a picnic, took the time to turn off all technology and just soak up the outside air. This weekend we did just this very thing. We took a trip up to the NC mountains to surprise my parents and spent Sunday enjoying the good ole mountain air.
The girls were so excited and constantly had a smile on their face at all times. It was nice to have my brother join us and my two nephews.

Making these memories are priceless and they are memories that your children will treasure for a lifetime. I hold special fond memories of all the outdoor activities that my parents did with me. We are making an effort on weekends to at least do one outside activity as long as the weather is cooperating.
What are you doing to create memories with your family that excludes technology?

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