As we were winding down a family day (Sunday's are our family day's as The Man has to work 6 days as week so we always make sure to do something special as a family cause the girls miss their daddy so much) at the pool and cookout, we all had our jammies on and sitting around the coffee table to play one of the girl's board games… what do you know the once beautiful sky today
Turned really black fast and you could tell we were in for it… all of sudden it was like the gates had been open….
Here comes the fierce down pour of rains with the mean lightning behind it. I for one believe this was our worst storm yet in the 6 weeks we have been here… What gets me is the girls are NOT afraid of the storms at all and want to just run and jump right in front of the sliding glass doors. Ummm NOPE! I kept telling them those lightning streaks are not fun.. yes they make look funny but they can hurt. They just thought oh silly mommy until… bam we hear and sound and there goes the power.
Since we are non-prepared floridians now that have no flash lights or candles we are sitting around in the complete darkness singing and snuggling. We sang the I Love You Barney Song, Old Mcdonald had a farm, Twinkle Twinkle little star, and Splish Splash Bible Bash. We were all cracking up as the girls would sing the songs each in a different way. I was in tears at times laughing so darn hard HA!
What could have been a ruined family night actually turned into quite a blast. Now the girls are tucked away sleeping right here in the bed with me and as soon as I hugged them and kissed them they literally fell asleep that fast.
This was a gentle reminder though.. get candles and batteries in stock hehe!
What does your family do during power outages at night?

The last blackout we had lasted for 2 days! It was fun at first but got pretty old quickly! LOL!
We light some candles and play board games usually. We have a very good time. 🙂
If it’s super hot in the house (usually when it storms here it’s because it’s HOT and humid) then we will pack up and go to the inlaws.
Otherwise, it’s candles and talking and playing games. I hate it when we lose power. It always seems to happen at night when everyone should be sleeping, but instead we’re up and hot. lol