I so wish I could be there to do this in person. We were planning on it, but other things took place to prevent us from heading out to Missouri unfortunately. We will meet one day. Yes, that is right my friends. I have never met my best bud in person. We have known each other online since early 2003. That is almost 5.5 years that we have been best buds. Nell… I love you girlie. Here is the top 7 reasons I love you so much and a little tribute to you on your most wonderful 30th birthday!!
1) You were there for me when L was hospitalized both times. Always calling me and giving me encouraging words to know I’m not alone in this. Those words meant so much to me Nell and will stay with me forever.
2) Our late night IM’s even if it is at 2am in the morning, we can bring out the best each other. Yes it may mean we are laughing at our computer screens so hard our water is spouting out from our mouths but who cares… we are having so much fun with each other and forgetting about all the bad stuff around us.
3) Our children’s relationships with each other. I say Nell around the house and M pops up and says, that is my best friend Nicky’s mommy isn’t it? They see how much love and trust we have with each other, so its only natural our children have such a strong friendship with each other. Remember the videos Madisyn did for her best friend Nicky…. LOVE IT!
4) The phone calls back and forth.. where we say ok… lets hop on the phone for a quick conversation and then 2 hours later we are still chatting, laughing, crying, talking loud over the kids and just having a grand ole time. Those are the best.
5) Emails and Cards…. you send the best emails and cards when I am least expecting them. It’s like we have this special bond that we know the other needs a pick me up.
6) Finishing each other sentences or typing the same thing on IM at the same time. How on earth can we do this with each other? Oh girl you know that means we are soul sistas at heart… you got that right WOOT!
7) And…. the best reason of all. Your love and compassion you have for me over the past 5.5 years. Nell honestly, there have been some dark times that I don’t know how I would have got through if it wasn’t for you. You mean the world to me… and some may say its just weird we have this such deep friendship and have never met person to person, but NO its not weird. It’s REAL and HONEST. Oh what a glorious day that will be when I can give you a REAL HUG instead of a virtual HUG. I LOVE YOU GIRLIE and just know I will be celebrating with you before we know it. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Have the best day ever. MUAAAAAAH 🙂
Love always,
Your Best Bud

Jen, That is beautiful! To think you have never met… that’s amazing. The relationship you to share is something you don’t even find sometimes in “person.” Happy Birthday, NELL!! And may you both continue this great friendship forever!!
Oh, how special is this? I pray you get to meet face to face soon. It is so rare to find a best friend like this. What an awesome tribute on her birthday. Happy 30th to your Best Bud!
Rhonda (mimi)’s last blog post..New Do
Oh wow Jen. I don’t even know what to say. This is the nicest thing and totally unexpected. You’ve got me all warm and fuzzy inside. I’m so blessed to have you in my life. And I do hope we’ll meet soon. I love you and your family so much…thank you for being a part of my life.
casual friday everyday’s last blog post..What It Means To Me
What a beautiful tribute!
Erin’s last blog post..Unintentional Co-Sleepers
Jen, That is beautiful! To think you have never met… that’s amazing. The relationship you to share is something you don’t even find sometimes in “person.” Happy Birthday, NELL!! And may you both continue this great friendship forever!!