School is out, the heat is on, and the kids are so energized. What to do with all this energy is usually left up to mommy to decide? Also us mommy’s work hard each day to prevent those chalkboard scratching words – “I’m Bored Mommy”.
Here are some ideas that I wanted to share with you that we are doing here in our household.
1) Check your local churches for different types of camps. One of our local churches is doing a soccer camp for ages 5 – 10. My oldest daughter is so excited about playing Soccer in August that we thought this would be a great camp for her.
2) Be a Vacation Bible School Junkie! Hehe… I love that term. We love Bibe School here and there are a lot of churches now that do it during the day from 8:30 to 12. Madisyn just haves a blast with Bible School and cannot wait to go. We will do a couple this summer… one during the day and one at night. She asks me every day when her first Bible School starts.
3) Visit your county’s 4-H Office. Most 4-Hers are offering Super Summer Workshops. These are different workshops that are catered to all different ages groups on different days throughout the summer. I sat down with Madisyn and we picked which ones she wanted to do. They are really cheap too.. like $3.00 to $6.00 for the day workshop.
4) Visit your local library. Our library this summer is having a theme “A Bug’s Summer” which is totally fine with my girl’s. They are all about bugs since we are back in the mountains. The library is having several activities catered to boys and girls all throughout the summer and the best part.. its all FREE! Plus mom and dad’s get to join in all the fun as well if they want.
5) Plan different park picnics that have pools. We have two parks here that have pools that we plan to enjoy this summer.
So this just gives you an idea of how you and your family can make Summer 08 the best YET. Remember to take lots of pictures and make memory books at the end of the summer for each child. The memory book will be one of the greatest gifts ever when that child goes off to college or gets married :).
Ok.. mommy’s and kids… get out and have a blast this summer!!!

Cute Ideas! We are doing VBS too
Kelsey’s last blog post..::You Live in MY Dryer::
LOVE your idea’s – I need to look around at our local church’s we need somethings to do Zachary’s already driving me nuts!
Jenn’s last blog post..It’s Not Gray
Hey there mama! I love this list! I’m telling you… I never truly utilized the library. And I MUST do that this summer. Free books, I mean – how can you go wrong!!?? Thanks for this list… I”m forwarding this post to my sister-in-law!
I love going to the library JUST FOR ME! I just went the other day to start stocking up on my summer reading. Can’t bare to go buy a bunch of books when they are right there at the library for free! Anyway. A group of us moms around here also try to meet at least once a week at a park nearby for some good play time and Mommy time. We need it! So important to get out there and enjoy the summer while it’s here- yes!
P.S. I’ve tagged you today!
Because Girlie Girl is in a track school, she doesn’t really have a summer break. Poor thing. hee hee
kailani’s last blog post..Giveaway: BOCA BETH
All we had to do was get a pool for the back yard and now the kids have a blast every day!
nell@casualfridayeveryday’s last blog post..View From My Neck Of The Woods
Moms. I think this will be a big help and I just came across it. Its a really neat idea and free!
Here’s a great idea for moms for the summer! It’s iMOM’s latest program called Operation Summer. It’s a FREE summer-long program that will draw you closer to your children, and you’ll have fun with them while doing it. Go to to learn more and sign up! And don’t keep it top secret – tell your friends that iMOM Operation Summer is here! I know you’ll love it!