The winner is comment #41 Amie. Congratulations. You have email!
As you know from my post last week, allergies play a huge role unfortunately in our household. Fortunately for us though, there are ways we can help reduce allergies in our household. Lysol contacted me to let me know they teamed up with their head Lysol® Microbiologist Joe Rubino and nationally-renowned Pediatrician Dr. Laura Jana to show tips on how to protect your family from allergens in your household.
Listen in to this interactive video:
Very interesting right? Lysol is taking it a step further and providing a gift pack to one lucky reader here at One Moms World.
Win It (Giveaway prize package valued at $50):
(1) LYSOL® Disinfecting Wipes
(1) LYSOL® Disinfecting Wipes: Dual Action
(2) Allergy Defense Pillow Protector
(1) Dust Pan and Brush
To Enter:
Visit the Lysol Community and then come back and leave a one comment of an interesting allergens fact.
Extra Entries:
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Make sure to leave an additional comment for each extra entry.
Contest ends May 1, 2011 at 11:59pm ET!
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post/giveaway from Lysol. All thoughts and opinions are of my own.

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Approximately 10 million people are allergic to cat dander, the most common pet allergy.
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Interesting that during flu season 59 percent of the home’s surfaces can be contaminated
40 mil americans have allergies
Thanks for the entry!
Janna Johnson
Teach your children a lifelong healthy habit by minimizing how many public surfaces they touch (and ensuring that they wash their hands when they do).
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