Those three words are just some of the adjectives that I would use to describe my wonderful Grandma. She is a wonderful 96 years old and just loves life and all the people that are involved in her life.
She is going through a rough patch right now and it really breaks my heart. I worry about her all the time. My grandma and I are super close and always have been. I love that I can still pick up the phone any time and say hello to her and carry on a full conversation. Sometimes just hearing her speak is what motivates me to have a better day.
She is such a sweetheart and is always worrying about me. She doesn’t like me traveling on airplanes and she just told me yesterday that she worries herself so much until I get back home. She is such a gem. She is a believer in our almighty Christ and is always praying for everyone. That warms my heart so much to know she has me in her prayers.
Like I said she motivates me! She stayed on me and stayed on me to go back and finish my degree in college. I made that step last year and will soon be done with my degree this year. I wanted to do it for her as much as I wanted to do it for me. She loves to motivate us to do better all the time.
The above picture was taken at this past Christmas celebration. She was worrying herself so much over my gift. Jennifer she would say “I just wasn’t able to get to store and get anything, it is worrying me so much that I do not have you anything.” I told her… Grandma please do not worry. You just being here celebrating with us for Christmas is the best gift I could ever wish for. She got a smile on her face and turned to her freezer where she whipped out a loaf of banana bread. Growing up, she has always given me banana bread loaves and oh my goodness does it make me smile. Her loaves are so delicious and I always keep them all to myself to eat when she gives them to me.
Even at 96 years old she is still warming my heart with the things she says and the banana bread that she makes sure I have all throughout the year.
It has been on my heart and mind lately since she has had some health problems, that I am going to be faced one day that she is going to cross those pearly gates and be with our wonderful Lord Jesus Christ forever. It just brings me to tears. Yes, I am selfish and always want her hear with me, my girls, my family! I want to keep those thoughts in the back of my mind and just enjoy her each and everyday I can. She inspires me, She motivates me, She is my HERO!
I love you Grandma…always and forever, Your Youngest Grandchild – Jennifer
We had a real rarity too this Christmas…. we have 6 generations in our family now. I just love our Houck Family and just will always treasure this picture!
6 Generations in the Houck Family

You know Jen you are so right. If we never receive another blessing while we are here are this Earth we know we were blessed with the greatest gift of all Grandma Nellie. I thank Gid everyday for loving our family so much to allow each of us to call her Grandma. She is an inspiration to our whole family. I too dread that day as much as you. I feel tears in my eyes as I type this, but at least we do know where she will be and will have left a lasting inpression on us all. I just hope and pray that I can one day be half the woman that our dear sweet grandmother is today. Granny I love you from the deapths of my heart Thank you for being such a great role model and having fun doing it. 🙂
yes i response to jen grandma , she has been like a mom to me even though she is my mother-in-law she has told me for 32 years jean we r going to a better place and i tell her grandma thats right the main thing is to be ready then we dont have to worry none of us is never ready to face bad times but we have always got to remember that we have jesus on our side ande he is always there no matter what, i just want to say thank you grandma for being there for me and your son bill u have blessed us in so many ways, we will always love u no matter what just thanks for being yourself and showing your love and care for all people
It’s so nice to see a family united and helping one another – oh and that banana bread looks delicious. Work At Home Jobs For Moms
She truly is a gem and your love for each other keeps her strong I’m sure. Treasure every moment you have together. Grandma’s are amazing women aren’t they? And btw, that banana bread looks delicious. Oh, come on Jen – share 🙂
Wow, 96 years old. She sounds amazing and she looks incredible. What a special relationship you have… I am hoping her health improves soon.
Jen I have to say you are very lucky to have such a lovely family. And the happiness I can smell form the faces of all of you. I am happy for you dear.
I love you, Jen, and I am right there with you in spirit. I wish I could give you a big warm hug. Your Grandma is amazing and though I know she’s lived a long and wonderful life, and Jesus will be there to welcome her home, it will be painful to let go of her. I pray you don’t have to let go of her just yet.
Jen, its the best family portrait!