We all think our children are smarty pants right? From the minute they are born, our kids are always making us smile with all their cute sayings or they could literally have us in tears. You just never know what a child will say at any minute of any day. It can give a whole new meaning to the term “Smarty Pants” indeed!
What about if there was an animal that helped your child be a smarty pants in the good way? Enter the educational tool SmartyAnts. Since this is such a technology driven world, with a big part of the technology being the gaming world, it is always nice to see when technology actually places an emphasis on education. This is exactly what the SmartyAnts program does! It is developed by Mike Wood, founder of acclaimed LeapFrog educational toys. Smarty Ants assesses each child’s skills and tailors a reading program just right for his/her abilities and personality. Plus the Reading Pup is a real-world buddy that sings and tells stories to reinforce what your child learns.

My youngest daughter L is such a huge animal lover, so being able to have her own phonics puppy buddy beside her when she is engaged in playing with SmartyAnts, puts her on cloud 9. This whole past week she would wake up in the mornings and grab her puppy and head straight for the computer. She asks me to log her into the program and she will sit and get so into each game in her daily lessons. Here she is playing a couple of the games to give you an idea:
SmartyAnts has 55 interactive videos, 67 individual stories and over 300 personalized songs. This allows your child to have endless educational fun. It definitely has become L’s favorite online game to play. The puppy is also able to be plugged into the computer via a USB cord and the information is updated with new songs and stories as your child starts a new lesson in the SmartyAnts program. Each lesson is tailored toward your child’s activities accordingly so then your child is able to produce their own songs with the words they learn. The songs are then downloaded to the phonics puppy.
The program is geared for kids ages 4 to 7 years of age. L and I both are giving this a two thumbs up!
You can win! One Moms World is giving one lucky reader a Smarty Ants puppy and a 1 year subscription to SmartyAnts.com. Perfect for just in time for the Holidays!
How to enter:
Leave a comment below on if your child has played any educational games online.
Extra Entries:
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Make sure to leave an additional comment for each extra entry. Contest will end November 26 at 11:59pm ET.
Disclosure: I was provided with our own SmartyAnts phonics pup in order to facilitate a true and real review. This is in partnership with the BabyCenter.com Blog Network.

My daughter plays games from her schools website all the time.
My 6 year old has played a few games online. We limit his time on the computer, of course, so not much.
I like you on FB: Cindy Dyer
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I’m an rss subscriber.
I follow you on Twitter, natch: @getalonghome
This would be great for my sister’s two young girls!
No my daughter hasn’t.
My kids play starfall.com at school after I already had them playing it @ home. I’d like to see how this compares.
My kids like Brain Pop and Brain Pop Jr.
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My niece likes to play a penguin math game on the computer a lot. I’m not quite sure what it’s called though. Thanks.
The only game my daughter has played is starfall.com. She would love to branch out. (ME too!)
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Not really but this would be great to try.
When will be the next contest? I am excited to join because my kids love playing educational games online.