We are coming to the conclusion of the final test drive of the Kaplan Tutoring program. As you all know, for the last weeks, my girls have been participating in the Kaplan Tutoring program for their age group.

It has been an interesting past few weeks. The first few weeks, the girls would fight for computer time to get their tutoring in. It was great to know that their tutoring lessons were going right along with their course work at school. Each program would walk them through tutorial steps to see if they could master the skills. I feel like the animation really helps keep the tutoring exciting and more motivating. M which is in the 2nd grade continued to really love and enjoy the program but about 3/4 way through this test drive, L which is in Kindergarten was done. The program began getting boring for her and not motivating anymore. I would get on the program with her and encourage her to do more of the activities but after a bit, she was just not hearing it.
M though has thoroughly enjoyed the program and I can tell it has helped her achieve and master 2nd grade skills and move on to 3rd grade skills. That is what I love about the tutoring program is that it does not limit your child in their skill work, it encourages the child to continue the ladder of success.
The kindergarten program was repetitive and not as interactive as the 2nd grade program so that is why I feel L lost interest before her 8 weeks were up. I do recommend for the older grades as I seen great positives in M’s progress reports. Yes, that is another positive of the Kaplan Tutoring is you can login under the parent logins and get progress reports each week for the child. Also, it will show how many reward points your child is receiving for his/her great work. Each child can earn reward points to receive awesome awards such as tech gadgets. Pretty great incentives to keep the older children motivated.
You have heard from me and my recommendations, but how about you trying it on your own with your children for FREE? That is right, keeping it real for the Holidays, I am able to offer you one free month trial with Kaplan Tutoring. Here is what you need to do in order to receive the free trial.
Click here to learn more information and how to set up your account
1) Click Here
2) Select “Buy Program Now”
3) Enter discount code FB1MO on the Account Setup page to get one month of the Online Program – normally $29 per month – for free.
The Holiday fun does not stop there. Kaplan Tutoring is helping Make Wishes this Holiday Season. Kaplan is hosting a Make-A-Wish Charity “Like” Drive, where every time someone new likes a Kaplan Test Prep page, they donate a dollar to theMake-A-Wish Foundation (up to $50,000). To find out more information visit: http://www.kaptest.com/oneoff/make-a-wish-charity-drive.jhtml.
Happy Holidays and have fun with the free one month trial in the New Year! I do definitely recommend it for 2nd grade and above.
“I wrote this review while participating in a Test Drive Program by Mom Central on behalf of Kaplan and received the products necessary to facilitate my review. In addition, I received a gift certificate to thank me for taking the time to participate.”

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