Grandparents are definitely a highlight in kids’ lives and my girls’ grandparents are no different. The girls are so excited each time they find out the grandparents are in town. This weekend was a fun weekend as we had Halloween Festivities to enjoy.
The girls have been counting down the days to Halloween so they could go out on the town dressed up as princesses. You know it is not everyday that they get to walk around everywhere in their Princess Attire right? We took it a step further this year and went out to eat in their Halloween Princess Attire.
I just had to show my parents one of the best restaurants in town and one that I cannot believe that I had not ate at before until last month. Red Robin! Where has this place been all my life? I am so in love with the grilled salmon sandwiches and their fries there. The fries are endless so you have to be careful and not take them up on that endless offer ;).
As you can see from the pictures below, my dad and the girls had a complete blast. My mom, hubby and I just sat back and took this all in. It was so good to see dad be with two of his favorite girls and laughing his heart out.
Creating fun family memories like this is priceless and ones that we are not taking for granted. Who said Halloween had to be spooky? It was all about the fun and games here 🙂

So adorable! That is priceless with their Paw Paw! Glad they all had such a blast! You know it’s one of our favorites! We need to plan another visit! 🙂 Love the Princesses! ObiWanKanobe and Luke SkyWalker say Hi.