Remember the yesteryears when the only technology we had in the house was a black and white television and an old typewriter. Those were the days right? How would our kids survive with so little technology? That is the question of the day parents, but in all seriousness, we are the ones creating technology monsters. Listen, I love technology, I mean… I really love technology, but there comes a point and time that we need to back track a little bit. Especially in these summer months, I will declare, it is no technology time during different parts of the day. The girls will either play a board game, jump rope outside, throw a ball and hopefully not bust a window, or sneak in their room and use their imagination by creating their own play or dance party.
Today was the creation of a dance party. The girls gave hubby and I our invites and told us the time to be there. Hubby and I showed up and were greeted at the girls play room door with the beautiful M. She had our tickets to all the activities at the dance party.

As we took our seats, the food bar was awaiting for us. All we had to do was turn our tickets in and we could have unlimited food the girls had set-up for us.

It was time to get this dance party started.

Of course, they had to pull an audience member, so they decided on mommy.

After so many laughs, smiles and dance moves the show had to come to an end but not before we went on a tour of the room to check out the beautiful dance party decor.

Hubby and I enjoy their little parties so much. We all will treasure these memories forever. Encourage your child’s imagination. It will bring a smile to everyone’s face!

What fun! We limit technology here. I’m trying to give them the best of both worlds. Technology is awesome, but it can stunt the imagination when it’s used for entertainment.
Awesome! Y’all do so many fun things!