Dear L,
You do not like to be still, you always want to be on the go and make us happy. If you do something wrong, you beg me and say mommy mommy, please don’t be mad at me. After you say that, you will proceed into “You are the best mommy in the world.” You definitely know how to get to my heart every time.
Artist, dancer, singer are three words that would describe you right now for sure. We find you sitting in your little rocking chair and singing a song all the while playing your guitar. OR… you will be in front of the radio dancing your little heart out so graceful. OR…. you will be sitting at the table drawing the cutest little drawing and say “Mommy, I have a surprise for you.” Today, I was shocked when you showed me your drawing. It was a Jellyfish you proclaimed…. I couldn’t believe how well you really did draw a jellyfish.
Just seeing your smile just warms my heart over and over and over. You know how to get to mommy just like you kept rolling down the window today and I said L… “but mommy I just wanted to get some fresh air.” Your comebacks are always words that are for sure going to make me forget why I was even calling you down.
You are always smiling no matter what. Right now you are having the worst time trying to breathe, but you still are trying to make us all smile (even the doctors who think you are just the cutest) by your little artsy ways!
Just keep being you baby girl. Just keep being you!
Love always and forever,

Love the Jellyfish, L!!! 🙂
.-= Nanette´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday – Flowers from Princess =-.