Everyone is hearing all about the Education Funding issues all across America. Now is the time to speak up and give your opinion about all the funding issues. Don’t just sit back and not say a word, speak your mind by leaving a comment below and Anderson may very well read your comment on TV this Friday March 12, 2010.
LIVE! with Regis and Kelly are expecting Anderson Cooper to stop by (filling in for Regis) this Friday morning. Anderson is covering the current flux in education funding and wants us to help him get advice, secrets and tips on budget crunching to families that need it most!! In anticipation of his arrival we need all you thrifty Mom’s, Dad’s Grandmas and Grandpas to put your heads together for Elementary School children across America! What are some of the ways you maintain your budget and still send your little ones fully equipped for school!? What are some training strategies, and lessons you’ve instilled about respect, honesty and safety?

What did Kelly say to him? Any other details would be welcome.thanks..
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