Congratulations to Comment #38 – Christina Reyes. You are the winner of the Fisher Price Gift Card. Check your e-mail.
Gear and advice will be overwhelming to a new mom as it was with myself. I didn’t know who to believe with their advice. All the gear looked so impressive and seemed to be calling my name, but there was so much gear that was not hardly used at all. I will keep quiet about all the advice. Let me just say, let your mother instincts take over and do what works best for you.

My favorite baby item:
Sling – My youngest daughter was very high needs and loved being close to her mommy. Since I just naturally started doing attachment parenting, the sling was a lifesaver for me. L was so content being right with me all day long. I could clean house, I could cook dinner, I could answer e-mails, I could run errands all because L and the sling were perfect matches.
My least favorite baby item:
Changing table – My grandmother bought me this beautiful changing table and I had it all accessorized before M came into the world. After I brought M home, the changing table became a place to lay everything on except for the baby. The table may have been used a total of two times to change M and then after that I just changed the girls wherever – the couch, the bed, play yard, and etc.
This is just the beginning of what works best in my opinion. BabyCenter has a community where moms are all spilling their thoughts on what gear worked/works best for them. Head on over and join in the conversation. You never know when you can help another mom.
Fisher Price wants to help you out this holiday season to purchase the gear you need. They are generously doing a giveaway here at One Moms World for a $25 Fisher Price Gift Card.
To Enter:
1. Leave a comment telling us what your essential gear products are/were?
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Leave a comment for each additional entry. One random winner will be picked on December 5, 2011.
Disclosure: This post is sponsored by BabyCenter in conjunction with the BabyCenter Blog Network. All prizes and compensation are provided by BabyCenter.

An essential piece of baby gear for me, the most used, is our Boppy pillow. I bought one when I was pregnant with my first child 9 years ago, and still have it. It’s the only thing I’ve saved through all 4 of my kids, and my youngest is 8 months old, and it is still used daily.
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An essential thing was a baby bouncer because I used them to hold baby while I showered. Thanks for this splendid giveaway
Just like April, the Boppy was essential for us. I have 3 (one for downstairs, one for upstairs, and then a spare)!
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Shared on FB with my username Mary Happymommy–
My swing is the most used item we have! Our baby hates bouncers or gym mats. Our luv you zoo fisher price swing is amazing!!! Next time I will buy a swing from them again!!!
Our swing was a life saver for us. It gave me the chance to get some things done and keep baby entertained
Arm’s Reach Mini co-sleeper.
All my friends rave about Sophie the Giraffe. It’s a little pricey, but has been a lifesaver for new teeth coming in.
For me it was her swing. She loved it and it put her to sleep everytime!
Thanks for the chance.
My son just turned 5 months old and our current must have is still his Boppy! It has such a variety of uses : feeding, playing, helping with tummy time
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I tweeted!/mummytotwoboys1/status/142315486368112641
It was my daughters baby swing. She wouldn’t sleep otherwise
kport207 at gmail dot com
Essential: “peanut” sling by Boppy. This way, I could wear baby while eating my own dinner. She would stay asleep and I could use both hands to shovel in the food 🙂
Non-essential, did not really make a difference if I had it or not item: Bassinet. My daughter would NOT sleep in it at all. We gave up after two or three nights.
The music box Quieted her down every time plus a rocking chair!/mkjmc/status/142354011759185920
boppy for sur
eBlogtacular contest! Thanks so much! Janna Johnson
Janna@feedyourpig on GFC!/mkjmc/status/142577982073094144
Definitely a sling and we loved the jumparoo when they were older.
my essential was a baby swing, my children always fell asleep in them., and it always soothed them, especially my son that had colic.
Hmm…I would say he loved the Fisher-Price Ocean Wonders Aquarium Bouncer! He loved watching the fish and bubbles! And…it plays soothing music too. Loved it
My essential items was definitely dreft detergent.!/vivaciousgold/status/143157142164217858- tweeted
shared on facebook-
subscribe google feed as v.ramsey
Probably my sling. Fussy baby, lots of work = cuddle time and work done. Totally win-win!!/mkjmc/status/143297688971128832
Play mats were the best…just a soft spot you can throw down for the baby to lay/play on.
A swing was essential…it was the only way we could get our son to sleep!
An infant carrier and bouncer were essential to me.
lazybones344 at gmail dot com
What a great idea, my favorite baby item is the play mats I like playing with my little dude and it is nice to have a soft area to lie down and play with them. I really like some of the fisher price toys and I am always looking for coupons, I found a good site that shares fisher price coupons and thought I would share it with your readers
My must have product is a rocking chair!
love my baby swing
vmkids3 at msn dot com
My son wasn’t normally a good napper, but he slept well in his swing
email subscriber
My essential baby item was my Boppy pillow for breastfeeding. It really saved my back and was so much more comfortable than using a pillow.
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
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lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
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lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
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lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
My essential thing was a baby bouncer!/mkjmc/status/143656405897977856
Definitely a pack and play! This was crucial, especially when she was being watched by other family members!
I could not live without my boppy!
The vibrating bouncy seat and well made washable nursing pads were my essentials.Thanks!