We were out and about last weekend and I thought an impromptu photo shoot would be great with the girls. Let’s just say that L was having no part in smiling for the camera. She is such a ham. Let’s take a stroll through the many faces of L.
Isn’t she a little ham with her smirks and all? We were all just laughing because these pictures are so L. Guess what though? I finally got a smile out of L! Look what it involved in order to get that smile.
I so <3 my girls. They truly make life so much more fun 🙂

Your girls are the cutest thing EVER!!!! and matching pink shirt!!!! I love it!
.-= Renee´s last blog ..Old green rocking chair =-.
She is spunky! 🙂
.-= love letters´s last blog ..A New Attitude =-.
Some kids just hate being in front of a camera. My little one is the same way. I still think she is adorable when shes making silly faces like this but it is so hard to get a good family picture of her.