As you all know, my girls have started back to school. I still can’t believe how fast the summer went by and soon we will be enjoying the snow fall here in the NC Mtns. I do have to say, I am really trying to be more organized this School Year. I am keeping track of papers more and making sure the book bags and lunch boxes are packed each night before bed. Even though I am showing off my new found organization skills, doesn’t mean the girls will always follow suit ;). Also, you never know when a kid at school will decide they like your child’s lunch box or book bag better than their’s ;)… so when I was asked if I would like to test out the Personalized Kids Labels from Lovable Labels, I immediately said yes! This could very well be the key I need to help promote organization to my girls.
When the labels arrived, I started labeling everything. I labeled their book bags, their lunch boxes, their jackets, their pencil boxes, all the lunch gear such as sandwich boxes, thermoses, their extra set of clothing for school, their rest towels, their folders and the list could go on. I am very proud to say that we have not lost one item yet and we are officially into a month of school. Now, this is progress over last year!
The quality you may ask…. is so awesome! The lunch gear has already went through a month of everyday washing and the labels have not peeled once. They are stuck there for good :). Words taken right from Lovable Labels Website: “Our labels are made with a special “perma-grip” backing that will stick to almost any surface. Our labels are UV resistant, dishwasher and microwave safe. The iron-on labels are made with a special industrial material and are washer and dryer safe. The bag tags are made of special flexible plastic and the metal tags are made out of metal of course.”
I love that when you order the Back to School Pack, that you receive all size labels. Since I have labeled so much this year, it was so great to not worry about the label being too small or too big. I do know now that we will NOT go through a school year without these labels. They have made this mom’s job so much easier!
If you would like to make life a little easier and not have so much lost items at school, then you can go and get your very own pack. Use the coupon code: onemomsworld and receive 10% off your purchase!
Disclosure: Lovable Labels did provide me the Back to School Pack for me to review, but I was in no way paid to write my review. This review comes from my heart and I will only tell you how I really feel :).

Those sound great Jen. Princess has forgotten or lost items this school year already and it’s only the 3rd week of school. No telling how many more things will get lost before the school year ends.
I highly recommend Lovable Labels myself becasue I have used them for the past two years. My labels are still holding strong and I am hooked!! Love your blog BTW!
Love this! Thanks for sharing!
Hi Jen… This is interesting..! 🙂 Hope you were occupied for the day by enjoying labeling 🙂 Angeline @ ipod repair
Hello from Russia!
Can I quote a post in your blog with the link to you?
Great post! With much love from Taiwan! *hugs*