I was so tickled pink that a blog mom conference was actually right here close to home. It was so cool seeing mom bloggers all across the United States come here to the mountains of NC. I’m not selfish… I’ll share my beautiful landscaped mountains ;).
The conference started out right with all the moms mingling together with Mom Talk Radio since she was treating us to the infamous blue drinks! Thank you Maria for treating us so well and getting the conference off to a great hit!
I also had a wonderful dinner there in the hotel’s restaurant that first night. It was a group of ladies that I have been following on Twitter for a long time, so it was very neat to get a chance to meet them.
Awesomeness Moms were: @TodaysMama (So looking forward to her jello contest) @JylmomIF @AlliWorthington @cassieaiden @RealLifeSarah @SSmirnov @ExtraordMommy @MomSpark
We also had an open reception that night and I finally got to meet after 4+ years two great moms that I have corresponded with online. It was @TheMenuMom and @HBHW
We finally made it back to our room.. I would say close to midnight. Ready to take on the big Friday.
No conference day can start though without a run to Starbucks. So thankful for my wonderful Carolina buddies that helped me get my starbucks fix since we don’t have Starbucks in Boone. Also, it was awesome to be sharing this trip with @JessicaKnows. She is one fantastic talented lady. It was her session that I went to first and it ROCKED. Definitely best session of the day!
She had some great panelists on her panel too. Thank you @Griner @KatjaPresnal @dbinkowski @nancy_martira @ssmirnov – It was just so interesting to hear directly from the PR officials on the social media stance with mom bloggers.
Pretty soon it came time for the arrival of my most definitely super talented, awesomeness, wonderful co-worker at BabyCenter. She supervises me on the Social Media side and I am just so excited to be able to work with her. We really had a great time at the conference.
Of course… I had to introduce her to my super cool Carolina friends.
We spent a lot of the afternoon networking with PR and meeting other bloggers. It really is so great to put a face to names you have been talking to so much with online. Just like the super cool @PensieveRobin
Later that night we were treated to dinner at the great Table Restaurant by the super fab Maria Bailey. I am so thankful our paths crossed back earlier this year. She really is an inspiration to us moms and definitely knows her stuff ;). Thank you so much Maria!
It was great getting to chat with @scrappinMichele and @KeepitClassyJen and @MightyNest there at dinner as well.
Onto the next day, we had more sessions. The best session of that day was the BlogKarma session. I tweeted my heart out for that session. Also we had the blogger town hall meeting right after that and our beautiful Carolina Marketing Director for @ScanChild got up and spoke. She is awesome.
Then that evening my beautiful girls and wonderful hubby arrived… I was so happy to see them. Overall, the conference was wonderful. All the connections I made meant so much and it was just so great getting to hang out with all my Carolina Moms and my partner @BabyCenterMom. Mom Bloggers do ROCK! I know I am leaving out so much and so many great moms I met this weekend… but truly it was an all around great conference.

Sounds like you had a wonderful and learned alot from some pretty awesome folks. Great that it was so close to you.
Was fantastic to meet you – I love knowing everyone had so much fun (because I certainly did!)
Oh – so wish I was one of those Carolina Moms that could have come. Sounds like a FAbulous conference. 🙂
We had so much fun at Table laughing and chatting. So glad I got to meet you.
Looked like so much fun and you look fabulous! I wish I was there. You are so right about Maria. She is such an inspiration. I’m glad I meet her this year too. I hope we can all get together again soon! *hugs*
that food photo looks delicious!
Fun times and you look fantastic.