September 11, 2001 will always be etched into my head forever. I will never forget what I was doing at that exact moment. I was at work and we were in an insurance meeting and just had walked back upstairs when someone had called my phone and saying we were under a terrorist attack. I did not believe them at all. How could the US really be under attack? We did not have a TV in our department so we were all glued to our radio all day long. When I got home that evening, seeing the images play out on TV just left me crying my eyes out. This really was happening.
Last Sunday at church, we had a guest minister speak to us. This was just not a guest minister, this was a minister with a story. A story that left me sitting there with my mouth open. You see his name is Steve Scheibner. He is the pilot for American Airlines. He is a reserve pilot meaning he will go in and select his flights that no pilot is assigned to. Like any other ordinary day on September 10, he logged into the computer to see if there were any flights available. Flight 11 from Boston to LA was available for the morning of September 11. Naturally, he had to check with his wife first to make sure the schedules could align so he could take this flight. The schedules were covered and it was a go for him to take the flight. He went back to the computer and accepted that flight. That night he got all his bags packed and was all ready to fly out September 11.
He woke up that morning of September 11 just like any other morning, went to the airport and checked the status of his flight. You see a senior pilot can bump reserve pilots off their flights if they want that flight instead. 30 minutes before he was suppose to take Flight 11 from Boston, Steve was bumped by his co-worker. Steve would no longer be flying out Flight 11. As all of America knows that morning of September 11, that very Flight 11 was hijacked and crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center.
Steve was suppose to be on that flight. Is that not one powerful testimonial? How can you not be shaken from that? If you would like to listen to Steve’s September 11 testimonial, it is on his site Character Health. Steve is still flying for American Airlines. Him and his wife have also started this parenting ministry of Parenting, Marriage and Character Matters. They will be back at our church first week of November doing a conference. Hubby and I plan to attend.
You just never know what God has planned for our length of stay here on Earth. This story just goes to show you! I am praying today for all the families that were affected by these horrific events. Praying for protection from these evil ones!
Much love to all my family and friends!!

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