The weather has been absolutely beautiful here. This means some very much needed outdoor time for the whole family. The girls love the outdoors and it helps keep us all sane around here when we can run around outside with no worries right? Well, I thought that is how Spring works.
L and I were enjoying some mommy and L time at the park Friday while M and daddy were at her softball practice. All is well in the world until my heart skips a beat.
See this beautiful smile on L:
She is really enjoying swinging until all of a sudden right after I took this picture, L decides to take a leap off the swing right as the swing was in mid-air. She fell hard on her head and I dropped everything. My purse, my phone, my camera and immediately grabbed her up. Probably not the best move, but I was terrified that she was hurt bad. I looked at her and she was completely dazed for a few seconds and then as she started seeing more clearly, she said mommy please get this dirt off of me. I said L, you really did just hit hard, are you ok? Yes, mommy just get this dirt off of me now. No tears at all, just worried about the dirt touching her beautiful dress.
Life can come at you fast and I am hoping that we do not have any more of these incidents. I was thanking God for his blessings and keeping her safe. She definitely had an angel watching over her – Grandma perhaps? I like to think so 🙂 L’s reasoning behind the jump was that she felt like she was slipping!

I am not a parent, but I worry as much as you do for my younger sister. She’s the best thing that has ever happened to me and I love her dearly.
As a matter of fact, she looks just like your daughter in the picture above 🙂