Ring Ring… School bell just rang for the final time of the school year. The kids come running and mommy goes running the opposite direction. Kidding… 🙂
Here at the One Moms World household there were lots of high fives and lots of big smiles. We are ready to take summer on full blast. One of the big things is that TV and electronics will be limited. Hey, I am a huge tech geek so I am all for the girls loving technology but I just do not want the summer swept away with all the time focused on technology. Just as I did last year, I have compiled a list of ideas to keep kids from turning to TV and electronics all day. Also, it will help keep the “Mom, I am bored” comments away!
1. Kids Bowl Free – Children are able to play 2 games of bowling a day at participating bowling centers all across the U.S. You will need to pick one location that you want to bowl at all summer long. You cannot change locations throughout the summer. Adults are given the opportunity to purchase an adult family pass for $24.95 that includes two bowling games a day.
2. Free Family Movie Time – Regal Cinemas are holding a summer movie time for kids and parents at participating movie theaters on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 10:00am. The movies are different from location to location so be sure to check the movie line-up on the website.
3. Free Park Days at U.S. National Parks – Mark your calendars for certain days this summer, there will be no fee charged on National Parks that usually charge entry fees.
4. Free Apple Technology Camp for Kids – Different Apple retail locations across the U.S. are allowing children ages 8 to 12 to come in for a free filmmaker camp. After 3 days at camp, the kids will debut their masterpieces.
5. Summer Reading Programs – All local libraries and even Barnes and Noble are holding summer reading programs to keep the kids excited about reading all through summer. Our local library is actually offering prizes and several fun day events for the kids.
6. 4-H Camps – Check your local 4-H Camp for a full summer schedule. They offer camps from anywhere from $3.00 to $15.00 for 3 hour fun events for the kids. They will learn things from cooking, gardening to technology.
7. Summer Bridge Activities – This is a cool and educational tool that my girls have enjoyed for 2 years now. It is simple 15 minutes a day activity that will get kids ready for the next school year.
8. Vacation Bible School – Are you a VBS junkie? It is ok to admit it :). Vacation Bible School is so much for for all kids and several different churches hold them throughout the summer either during the day or night. Check your local newspaper for dates and details.
9. Swimming – Swimming is so much fun and really lets kids release all the excess energy they need to. Most county recreation departments will offer summer family pass so the whole family can swim all summer for really cheap.
10. Craft Time – I have two huge bins filled with all kinds of craft and art supplies. Each morning we will have craft time and they girls get to use their imagination to create a new craft for our family billboard in the hall. Kids can make books, cards, artwork for Grandma and Grandma and etc. The list is endless.
Just have fun. That is what summer is all about. Get out and explore your area and you will be amazed at how much you can find outside the walls of your house. Here is to a great summer to everyone! :::CHEERS:::

Thanks for the great list of resources!
.-= Tracey´s last blog ..A Bit of Magic =-.
Thank you Tracey. I love sharing ideas to families to have a good summer the frugal way.
Keep your kids active during the summer. Also let them take up activities they the enjoy. Ask them and let them have input so they can do things they enjoy and possibly take up new and exciting hobbies.
These do all sound like fun! Don’t you just love summer? 🙂
.-= Muthering Heights´s last blog ..Would You Like To Walk a Mile in These Shoes? =-.
And a super fun vacation at the ocean helps too!
.-= Nell@CasualFridayEveryDay´s last blog ..{hope} =-.