During our last winter snow storm, our family broke three sleds. Wait, what? Yes, unfortunately the plastic sleds could not live up to our sledding skills. Actually, we may have used each sled a total of 4 to 5 times. Each time, the sled would break in the same spot.
Both M and L were so disappointed. My dad would take the sleds back each time, but finally it came to a point that we said forget about getting another sled. Our trust had been broken with plastic sleds.
M wanted to sled so hubby drove to our local Walmart and noticed the Snow Daze sleds. These sleds are soft and made with shock absorbing molded foam construction.
He did not know the reviews but thought he would take his chance. One of the best purchasing decisions he has made since we have been together. M spent hours sledding with this sled and not once did it tear or break. She is in love!
This girl would be out first thing in the morning and still sledding when the sun went down. You have to check her out sledding:
Amazing rides for sure! We can’t wait to try out their other sleds. Snow is in the forecast for next week and I know M will have her a nice track going once again. The handles on the sled make for smooth runs. Let’s not forget about how fast the sled is with the super slick bottom. As you can see, the Walrus and M have become fast friends.
This post is not sponsored. We are keeping it real and wanted to share with others families that may have broken way too many plastic sleds! Snow Daze sleds for the win!