Times are changing my friends. There are no more of these nickels and dimes left under pillows. The tooth fairy has hit inflation. Let’s set the stage. L finally has a lose tooth. She is close to 7 so we were beginning to wonder if those baby teeth wanted to just officially hang out full-term. Never fear, L realized a couple weeks ago, that her bottom two front teeth seemed weird. Full freak-out mode was in force.
“Mommy, I am not suppose to lose my teeth. I will not be beautiful anymore.”
“Mommy, this is serious. I cannot lose my teeth.”
“Mommy, please stop this from happening.”
The tears were rushing down her sweet freckled face, but all I could do was sit and rock her. I tried to tell her she would always be beautiful no matter what, but this princess/fashion diva was not having anything to do with my consoling words this time. Over the couple of weeks though, she seemed to be getting adjusted to the idea. I showed her pictures of M when she lost her teeth so she would know, teeth would eventually grow back. The time had come, L bit into her breakfast last Saturday morning and out the tooth came. I was sad because I was at the spa having me time and I missed her milestone. But, I was greeted at the door with my little toothless princess holding her tooth and a note.

Now this was not any ordinary note.

Pretty convincing right? Do you know that the tooth fairy left her $5?! Wow… inflation!
Yesterday as we were driving home, she was eating a happy meal from Mickey D’s on the rare occasion and after two bites, out comes the second bottom tooth. I had to pull over, because the drama was on. She originally thought she had ketch-up all over her hand, but it was actually blood. We get pulled over to a gas station and go in to use the bathroom there to get cleaned up. She talks slowly through her tears, “Mommy, the tooth fairy better leave me $10 this time.”
And that my folks is the fastest inflation that I have ever seen ;).

Yeah, we had that special first tooth $5 cost but then it dropped down to $1 for the others. My oldest had more teeth pulled at the dentist than she lost naturally so she got a little extra for her “pain and suffering.”
I just had another comment from someone saying they did a $1 on the second tooth. I am planning to do the same thing tonight since she forgot to put her tooth under her pillow last night :). Good suggestion about having to get the tooth pulled.
hahaha this is funny i remember my sister son when his tooth pluck he keep it and put under his pillow then when he sleep my sister get the tooth and put $5 the next day my nephew wishes that hopefully all his tooth pluck so he has lot’s of money…lol
Your daughter’s letter is very adorable. Children really deserve that and I agree with you Christina…for the pain and suffering they had during those times. Have you also tried the reward and punishment strategy too? When I was little, my mom tell us we get ice cream if we go to the dentist. LOL I never got a dollar to have my tooth pulled out.
This remind me my little daughter she never till me her tooth was pluck then one day i clean up her bedroom i fix her bed and when i remove her pillow i saw her tooth i just smile i keep it and i put $5 under the pillow then the next morning she was so happy and tell me that “mommy tooth ferry visit me last night”i just hug her and she show me her $5.