Does your kid leave you laughing so hard during the week, you think “Oh yea, I need to write that down in their baby book”. What about the next best thing, blogging about it :).
Each week, I am going to do a post here and feel free to add your own post in comments so we all can go visit to get in some great laughs to make the doctor stay away ;).
This week’s post is brought to you by little sis L.
She always has us laughing so hard, I have tears in my eyes sometimes. We were having a casual walk at the park and we are having to go up this little hill. We get up to the top of the hill and she goes into:
L: Mommy, you know what?
Mom: No, what is it?
L: Well, mommy I had to trade in my feet yesterday and get some new feet because my other feet wouldn’t let me walk up this hill.
Mom: Just how did you trade in your feet?
L: Mommy I just cut them off and went and got some more feet (totally in a tone like duh mom), and now I can walk up all the hills I want to.
I was just smiling at her but laughing so hard on the inside. She comes up with the craziest things and I have no idea where she gets some of this stuff. She definitely has a huge imagination.

Your daughter is so cute! It makes me want a little girl. lol (I have 3 boys). Anyway, I so much enjoy the imagination of little children. We miss so much joy in life when we don’t really listen to them.
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I think when lil kids have an active imagination it does make for fun times and memories. With Lyndsee it tells me that when she grows up she will always have a solution to any problem and go about her life. She truely is a blessing and I am happy for it.
It’s the “duh, Mom” tone that always makes me laugh the most. You know the answer is going to be priceless when you hear that. And aren’t Moms supposed to know everything anyway? LOL
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They say the funnies things ever sometimes. And yeah momma Jen, “Duh” LOL
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Awww…too cute! My almost 3 year old calls his shoes his feet. He’ll tell me, “I can’t go outside, Mom – I don’t have my feet on!”
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