VeggieTales has released a whole new website at It is no secret that our family are HUGE fans of VeggieTales. I have written lots of posts here about how my love of VeggieTales runs over to the girls and I could not be happier. The stories and the characters helps guide me to raise the girls in such an awesome Christian environment home.

We learned this week of the new website release, I immediately let the girls log onto the site once they came home from school. I wanted them to play around on the site for a couple days before I posted about it here on One Moms World. We could not be more happier with the site. The girls each have their favorite parts on the site.

L’s favorites:
Activities – She loves to print out different pages each day to work on as her “homework” she says. She gets so jealous that she doesn’t have homework and M does, so this is her way of connecting with her sister during homework time.
Videos – L is all about the videos on the page. She will play them with the volume turned all the way to the top. She can be so serious watching and then she will be up dancing around. So cute!
M’s favorites:
Stories – M loves to read books as I have mentioned before. She will sit at the computer and spend so much time reading the different stories. What I love is that, M can either push the option to have the story read to her or her read their story on her own. Brillant!
Games – M has enjoyed playing the games for a bit of down-time before bed. I love that the games can be fun but also a teaching mechanism of God’s word.
So many sites online have got away from the family message that I like the girls to see, so I am forever grateful to VeggieTales for coming out with this modern site that continues on it’s goodwill message of christian guidance. Another big plus that I heard from VeggieTales “We will offer daily Bible verses called the “Daily Word” and short devotionals for kids hosted by QWERTY the computer character found in the countertop scenes of each VeggieTales show. We are really hoping that parents will find this to be a safe and endlessly fun place for kids to go online to play and learn, as well as to grow their faith.”
Pretty happy mommy here and I know you will be too. Spend some time on the new site with your kids and I know you will be hooked as your kids will too. 🙂
Disclosure: I have a working relationship with VeggieTales but this in no way changes my opinions or thoughts. All words are of my own and from my heart!

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