Earth Day is tomorrow on Good Friday. Two special days combined into one. What a wonderful day this will be!
You know, I love that we do have Earth Day celebration once a year because it brings awareness that our Mother Earth needs our attention as well. Sometimes it seems that she gets shafted to the side unfortunately, we need to realize that although we recognize her on one special day a year, she actually needs recognition all throughout the year.

Here are 5 simple ways that you can help celebrate Earth Day everyday with your family.
1. Use reusable bags when shopping: I just recently made this change because we were busting at the seams with plastic bags and I knew this couldn’t be good for our beautiful Earth. The reusable bags are actually so much more stable too as I have not lost a jar of pasta sauce on the sidewalk lately due to a ripped bag. So many companies have their own reusable shopping bags and they are priced low.
2. Create a bento lunch for your children: I have been using the bento lunch system for 2 years now. My girls actually refuse to eat the in cafeteria at school because they love the bento lunch system. There is never no trash at the end of the day to toss from their lunch boxes. The creativity with the lunches also are so much fun as they love to see what mom has come up with each day.
3. No more store bought water: Do you know how many water bottles we had around the house? Yes, we tried to recycle as many as we could but there would always be those certain bottles that would end up in the trash. We purchase a water filter for the kitchen sink every 3 months and use our own reusable water bottles to fill up with water each day. They also have now the four water bottle filters you can purchase. This is on my list to purchase next so the girls can have water bottles ready as soon as they come in from playing and head straight to the fridge.
4. Turn off the water: That is right! I have finally successfully taught the girls to turn off the water when brushing their teeth. Do you realize how much water is wasted by leaving the water on the whole time you are brushing? It is a lot and it is so easy to just turn off the water. It does take time to teach them, but now they automatically do it each time.
5. Set-up a recycle bin and trash bin: If you have a recycle bin right beside your trash bin, then it is so much easier to recycle. When you go to place something in the trash throughout the day at your house, then stop and think a moment, can that be recycled? Once you get in the to routine, it comes as second nature as where to put things.
These are all simple tasks that can be done and get the whole family involved to help ensure we keep our beautiful Mother Earth just that beautiful.
Happy Earth Day… How do you plan to celebrate?

Love these ideas! I was so gonna write a post on this today but I am struggling to figure out how to start with my family because our county doesn’t help make it any easier! Thanks for sharing the ideas!
Great tips Jen. Thanks for sharing!
Great tips! When we moved we added a recycle bin inside next to the trash and we really DO recycle much more. so easy!