We are a huge reading family. Each night we take time to sit down for family time and M reads her chapter book to us and then I will read to the girls. I just love having this time each night with the girls. Also, the girls love books. They are always asking for new books and so delighted when they see new books come in.
Cheerios has teamed up with Jon Scieszka and First Book to distribute 100,000 new books to kids in need across the country. Through the 100,000 Book Giveaway, the five states receiving the highest number of votes will each receive 20,000 new books for local kids – and we need your help to decide where the books should be donated!
By answering the trivia questions featured in this challenge, you can help select the states that will receive new books for local kids. For every trivia question you answer correctly now through August 31st, 2010, you can cast one vote for the state you want to receive new books. The more questions you answer correctly, the more votes you cast!
We take so much for advantage and don’t realize how a simple book is wanted so bad by children that just cannot afford them in their household and county school system. We are very fortunate here in our school system for the Pre-K division. Each week a new set of books is sent home in a reading bag for myself to read to L. We were so thrilled when this program started for the first time this year, but I never realized till Cheerios brought to my attention how this is wanted so badly by other states and school systems!
Please take a moment and go to the site and answer some of the trivia questions to cast your votes to where the books should be sent.
Cheerios sent to us through My Blog Spark a gift pack.
All the books shown above were included and also a box of the Frosty Cheerios. They included a Barnes and Noble gift card as well. Each book was the perfect shape to fit into travel bags for the girls and just the right length. Each night we would read one, and the girls just loved sitting there listening then asking questions at the end. No book is the same, so I really recommend at the end of each book you read to your child, to let them ask questions to see how much of the book they actually do comprehend!
Cheerios through My Blog Spark would like to offer one of my reader’s this same gift pack. All you need to do is:
1. Leave a comment about your reading routine with your family.
Then to receive extra entries:
1. Tweet this contest
2. Facebook this contest
3. Subscribe to our feed
4. Blog about this contest
Leave an extra comment for each entry that you do!
I will close this contest on Dec. 19th at 11:59pm EST.
Full Disclosure: I did receive the Cheerios, prize pack, information, and giveaway from Cheerios through MyBlogSpark.

We read every day, throughout the day. I guess one routine thing is that we read books about holidays. All holidays. We love to read!
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We don’t have a reading routine because we read ALL THE TIME. We probably spend an hour a day reading, plus the 20 minutes or so that Grace spends with Daddy at bedtime. We’re huge readers.
We read a lot here but I think my fav is when Tanner (my 9 year old) reads to me. He puts so much reaction into it. Like he is in the story. Id love to be able to read his lil mind hehe.
Btw as can see I figured out the gravatar pic all by myself lol another point for me haha…
We read to my son 20-30 minutes before naptime and bedtime. He loves it! He says boooks and nigh-night.
I tweeted your giveaway! “creativechretin”
Routines? We don’t do routines! But on the fly, we read tons of books – I always have a stack of recommended books on hold at the library so all I have to do is run in and check them out. And we actually do read a few before bedtime and naps. Usually I ask my daughter how many she wants to read, and her favorite number right now is 5, fortunately.
janemaritz at yahoo dot com
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janemaritz at yahoo dot com
We posted about this giveaway at Winning Readings: http://winningreadings.blogspot.com/2009/12/cheerios-pack_17.html
janemaritz at yahoo dot com
My girls love for me to read them a story anytime throughout the day, but especially at bedtime!
we read papers/magazines in the morning and at night around 9 we read a good book and then fall asleep! ๐
We are a family who all love to read. Don’t really have a routine-someone is always reading
email subscriber
Oh, we especially covet the whale book but the whole pack, wow, wonderful!
OH, that is me above who forgot to mention our reading routine – three books before bedtime, and more anytime!
Now also following – don’t know whether subscribing to feed works, so following from my google reader gadget ๐
We read each evening before bed.
I subscribe on google reader.
No routine. We just love reading as much as possible.
No real routine on reading because we read throughout the day and bedtime stories every night for half an hour-245 minutes. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I subscribe to your RSS feed
We read every night before bedtime — each child picks out a book and sometimes I pick out one as well (a kid’s book that I think they might like, or that I really like or that I think would be a change of pace) and we snuggle together and read. We read at other times during the day usually as well but before bed is tradition ๐
I love to read to my children right after dinner while everyone is together ๐
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I tweeted ๐
We snuggle together on the couch with a big pile of books to read.
I don’t have any children of my own currently but hopefully one day there will be a nice reading routine going on. I can’t wait!! I work in a School and the kids have the 100 book challenges! They love that and are earning their steps!
purposedrivenlife4you at gmail dot com
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/luvscontests/status/6841017279
purposedrivenlife4you at gmail dot com
Subscribed! purposedrivenlife4you at gmail dot com
Blogged: http://dietcokehandsanitizerchk.blogspot.com/2009/12/cheerios_19.html