Our eyes were not mistaken. We awoke this morning to a wonderful rainbow as we made our entrance into the United States Virgin Islands. St. Thomas was our first port of call.
Our feet hit the ground running early as we were excited to take in the sights and sounds of St. Thomas.
Obviously this was our first time to St. Thomas. Taxi drivers immediately swarmed around us to give us their sales pitch on the reason their tour was the best. Most taxi tours were $25 a person. We opted out of the taxi tours and did our own walking tour. The girls wanted to visit the shops. The shops were plentiful. As you make your way downtown, there were over 250 stores. The saying holds true for St. Thomas. You can shop till you drop.
L feasted her eyes on the instrument she has been dreaming of for a long time.
M scored a St. Thomas t-shirt for only $2. The bargain shopper runs in the family.
The streets were filled with festive decorations for Christmas even though the temps were soaring high in the 80s. It is hard to think Christmas is only a few short days away. My laughter overcome me when a boat sailed past us playing “Let it snow….” One can dream right?
The houses were really close to each other on the sides of the hills. The architecture was very tasteful and beautiful on the bigger houses. Small houses would be sandwiched in between the bigger houses.
The water in St. Thomas is such a beautiful blue-green water. It is amazing to see the difference from the Atlantic Sea to the Carribean Sea. It really is very inviting and I can see why people do snorkeling tours and sailboat tours.
M sighted the US Coast Guard making their rounds with their gun set for action. It was an opportunity for hubby and M to have an educational conversation about the duties of the US Coast Guard.
Our time was coming to an end on the island. L has been waiting patiently for the Carnival Water Works. We thought we would take advantage of the port day and enjoy the less-crowded water park. The girls had an absolute blast and would tell you that this was the best part of the day hands-down. Go figure right?
Little slides proved to be huge entertainment for both M and L. These slides allowed the girls to have fun together as they would slide down the slides holding hands. It was quite adorable. I did have to sneak M away with me and conquer the bigger slides. You have two choices. The twister and the drain bowl pipe slides. Hands down, our favorite was the twister. The twister is a longer slide and in my opinion had more powerful speed. Hubby and the girls were laughing hysterically as I reached the bottom of the twister with my feet up in the air.
The stairs allow kids of all ages to squirt water hoses in all different directions. Also, lots of kids will wait with exciting anticipation for the big bucket to over-fill with water and dump all the water on their heads. Fun times!
After having fun in the sun, we decided to take a dip in the pool since we had the luxury of having the beach pool all to ourselves while most people were still on the island or dining.
While the girls were taking a swim with Hubby, I jumped at the chance to head to the serenity area of the ship. This area is for adults only and lets you relax with quietness and comfortable seating. Highly recommend.
A fun-filled day on the island and the boat in the sun. As we were making our way back to the stateroom, downpours of rain starting coming down. The timing was perfect and it allowed us to take a power nap before dinner. This is the ultimate vacation.
Dinner was filled with delicious choices. Each evening, you are given a menu and each person will make their choice.
Our dinner choices were true perfection. There has not been one bad dish while we were on the boat. The food is amazing. I warned the family to not expect this service of food once we arrive back home .
During dessert, our waiters treated us to Gangnam Style. The entire dining room was putting their hands together and laughing to their hearts content. Our waiter was right in the middle of the action. This was the icing on the dinner.
The waiters really do make your dinner experience so much more personable. Their characters are a real treat and we will miss them for sure.
To top off the night, we headed to Ovation Theater for another around of the Hasbro Game Show. M and I both tried so hard with our arms in the air to get on stage but tonight was not our night. We still have so much fun cheering on our teams as the audience is separated into teams. The audience needs to get on their feet and cheer their teams on to win. Tonight’s games were Sorry Slider and Operation. Each show is taped and you get to see all the behind-the-scenes just like a real-life audience. We love it!
The cruise Director, Butch, serves as the game show host and his personality was fit for the show. His excitement definitely makes the show!
The night was closed by sipping hot chocolate by the Christmas Tree. Perfection!
We are heading to Antigua. The entire family has been looking forward to this island since we found out about the cruise. Till next time…

I hope you are having a wonderful time! I LOVE cruising and hope to take my son someday soon!