The One Moms World family are continuing their family road trip down the East Coast to Fort Lauderdale at the Tropic Seas Resort.
As many know, hubby’s family is in and around the Fort Lauderdale area. Hubby grew up in Hialeah so it is always so nice to come back and visit. The girls and I had actually not been back to Fort Lauderdale since fall of 2007. It really is an amazing place here in South Florida. Unfortunately, I have been hearing of lots of heat index warnings back home in NC so to be here with high 80’s temps and the graceful breeze coming off the ocean has just been excellent and a dream come true. Also, the beach is not crowded at all so this is definitely a great time to come to South Florida and the Lauderdale By The Sea area.
The first night we arrived to the most amazing sunset over the ocean and pool area here at Tropic Seas.
All of us could have just sat out by the pool for hours and been so content. Most of the time you hear of people saying you need a vacation from a vacation, so that is why we always try to just relax and keep it cool throughout the time we are on vacation. My youngest L doesn’t like a lot of stimulation so we all just content of being cool, calm and collected. AND Guess what? The girls love it just so much!
One of the reasons that I love it here at Tropic Seas is that you can just wake-up and walk out your door and you are on the sand to the Beach.
Also, you are just a short few steps to the pool that is surrounded by the ever so awesome scenic palm trees.
The girls are having a true blast playing in the white sand and trying to build sand castles that usually get toppled over by the crashing waves from the beach. The laughs are so worth it though as they tickle hubby and I so much. There was a point yesterday that I just sat on the beach with my feet in the sand and looking out into the ocean as far as I could. I kept singing Amazing Grace out loud over and over, because it really is amazing to be alive and see all of God’s glory right before our eyes. The relaxation and stress free of our beautiful nature really is the best medicine for the body’s soul at times in your life! Remember…nature is all around us, we just have to take time and enjoy it. God is sooo good!
One big milestone this road trip is the girls swimming. L has realized she can swim with floaties on now. At the beginning of the week, she would have nothing to do with going out in the pool water to swim with floaties. Now, she is a little fish taking off and singing her own songs while swimming! M is so loving being an little fish without floaties this year. All those swim lessons have definitely paid off and it has caused my panic levels to go WAY DOWN since she always wants to be in the deep water treading. I’m so proud of both of them.
Hubby and I are off to spend the day with his family here and so thankful for having this time with everyone on our East Coast road trip.
Hope everyone is having a fantastic Summer! Leave a comment below and let us know what all you are up to this summer 🙂
P.S. Tropic Seas has really been good to our family in letting us experience the beach and pool here. We so appreciate them for hosting us for this review. See a full review on the property at Traveling Mamas.

Jen, this looks just fabulous! What a blessing this has been for your family, I’m sure.
.-= Nell@CasualFridayEveryDay´s last blog ..{the}story of my now =-.
Thank you Nell! You said it right… it really has been a blessing for us!
Looks so much fun!! You guys are regular beach bums now, huh?!
.-= Real Life Sarah´s last blog ..Back on the Weight Watchers Wagon with Subway giveaway =-.
Ok, so where is the giveaway here? hehe Looks like you had an awesome time at a fabulous hotel.
.-= Nanette ~ AMomBlog´s last blog ..11 Summertime Boredom Busters =-.