One Moms World family is continuing their road trip. We have arrived in Gainesville, FL to visit more family. We were here briefly in February but due to unfortunate circumstances with my Grandmother, we had to cut the trip short.
I was excited to see how family friendly the area was this time to see if we would be willing to call this our new home. So far, I am really impressed with it. It is not such a HUGE town like Fort Lauderdale and Miami, so this is definitely on my scale for this mountain girl.
First day out, we took a trip to a near lake. This was the girls’ first experience with the lake and I will go ahead and tell you that this mommy was definitely having anxiety about it all. M was all set and ready to go jump in the lake but I started freaking out. In a lake, you cannot see the bottom and with her being a new swimmer, well you get the picture on how I reacted ;). Once I calmed down and realized that I needed to let M enjoy this new experience, then all was well in the world.
L on the other hand was not too thrilled with it unless she was right next to the steps!
She is such a ham indeed! Hubby and his son were enjoying fishing so we had to go join in all the fun on the dock. Here is M with the beautiful Ashley!
The girls were so fascinated with daddy fishing so I know what this means… Its time to get the girls some cute little pink fishing poles.
The day started out with such a big prize fish for hubby. Can you believe how big this fish was? 😉
I still love teasing him about that. That was just warming up practice for him. As the afternoon went on, the fish would get bigger that he would reel in.
It really was such a fun and family friendly afternoon! The storms started rolling in and with water/lightning not exactly mixing well, we decided to get the heck out of dodge.
The girls and I are on our way to our next stop… Disney World :=)

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