Congratulations to Comment #38 – Christina Reyes. You are the winner of the Fisher Price Gift Card. Check your e-mail.
Gear and advice will be overwhelming to a new mom as it was with myself. I didn’t know who to believe with their advice. All the gear looked so impressive and seemed to be calling my name, but there was so much gear that was not hardly used at all. I will keep quiet about all the advice. Let me just say, let your mother instincts take over and do what works best for you.

My favorite baby item:
Sling – My youngest daughter was very high needs and loved being close to her mommy. Since I just naturally started doing attachment parenting, the sling was a lifesaver for me. L was so content being right with me all day long. I could clean house, I could cook dinner, I could answer e-mails, I could run errands all because L and the sling were perfect matches.
My least favorite baby item:
Changing table – My grandmother bought me this beautiful changing table and I had it all accessorized before M came into the world. After I brought M home, the changing table became a place to lay everything on except for the baby. The table may have been used a total of two times to change M and then after that I just changed the girls wherever – the couch, the bed, play yard, and etc.
This is just the beginning of what works best in my opinion. BabyCenter has a community where moms are all spilling their thoughts on what gear worked/works best for them. Head on over and join in the conversation. You never know when you can help another mom.
Fisher Price wants to help you out this holiday season to purchase the gear you need. They are generously doing a giveaway here at One Moms World for a $25 Fisher Price Gift Card.
To Enter:
1. Leave a comment telling us what your essential gear products are/were?
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Leave a comment for each additional entry. One random winner will be picked on December 5, 2011.
Disclosure: This post is sponsored by BabyCenter in conjunction with the BabyCenter Blog Network. All prizes and compensation are provided by BabyCenter.

Bouncy seat, globug
the swing
the sling!
My #1 Mommy item was the infantino baby carrier!! It was a MUST have for a toddler and a newborn at the grocery store. My kids are now 3 and 2 and I’m afraid to get rid of it because of how much I loved it! ๐ And before you ask — no I don’t squeeze the toddler in it! ๐
My sling!
Of course a great stroller is an essential gear item and also anything to keep baby busy such as play keys or stackable rings.
I shared on facebook!!/permalink.php?story_fbid=2525188181118&id=1595801328
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diaper genie!
Stroller, I go nowhere without it in the car
Baby essential MUST-HAVE— a swing! Such a life-saver, for both babies!
Essential gear – baby monitor and a swing and a bouncy chair
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wetwipe warmer specially during winter so you can clean up the baby without them crying.
i have subscribed to your feed! thanx! ๐
i ‘tweet’ed this giveaway!
My must have essential with all my girls was the Boppy!
textbookmommy at gmail dot com
The baby sling was the most essential for me! Happy holidays! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Renee Walters
I subscribe to your RSS Feed! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Renee Walters
bouncy seat
kolpin4680 at gmail dot com
email subscriber kolpin4680 at gmail dot com
bouncy seat that also vibrated and played music and soothing sounds
marygardner49 at aol dot com
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marygardner49 at aol dot com
marygardner49 at aol dot com
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marygardner49 at aol dot com
My best gear while raising my kids was the bouncy chair.
the diaper genie
My son’s bouncy seat was my lifesaver!
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My essential gear products right now are good sippy cups
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baby wraps
A swing helped a lot.
there stroller is awesome