Summer sports have come to an end. I cannot believe summer is already halfway over. Where has the time gone? I do have to report on our Sports Diva M. She really rocked the sports this summer. I can definitely tell she is going to take after her Mommy 😉 and her Yay-Yay.
Softball is definitely a generation sport that I am so proud to say that M is definitely going to continue on the legacy in the family. She absolutely loved and kicked tale in her first year of playing softball. This will be her sport of choice I am safe to say as she was always eager to get out there every time it was game time. I am proud of you girl!
Another sport that she has been involved in a little over 2 years is soccer. She totally is very involved in this sport but I really believe this is going to be her “for fun” sport as she does not treat it as competitively as softball. It is always still so much fun to go and watch her and see the look on her face when she is determined that she is going to kick a goal. Great job on a another wonderful season M!
I love seeing M so excited and being such a go-getter in sports. I really want to keep the girls active and sports is such a great way to do that. I know sports is not for everyone so I am just following M’s lead on sports but so far she is rocking the sports in this household :).

I saw your comment on Carolina Mama’s “friday fit” post.
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She rocks! I want to come see one of her games!
.-= Nell@CasualFridayEveryDay´s last blog ..i wait while it continues =-.
Soccer and softball are our sports too! This was our first year with softball but Abby really liked playing – she does much better with the more structured game than she did in soccer. Hannah’s first love is soccer though – and Becca will be also playing soccer for the first time this year too. 🙂
M looks like she was having a blast with both sports – way to go!!
.-= Deb – Mom of 3 Girls´s last blog ..Every one plays =-.
I think all children are playing very well & it shows that all guys have enough knowledge about it…
She is such a well-rounded person! I love that she can scrap it out on the ball field, then sing and dance on stage, too!
.-= Real Life Sarah´s last blog ..Fire Extinguisher Safety with UL Video& Giveaway =-.