I’m just going to say it. It is hard to spend money on myself. Normally, the extra spending each month goes towards doctor visits or my girls. Paying doctors and meeting my daughters needs are my top priorities, so it is very rare that I will buy something just for me. My husband came home about a week ago, and said he was in our local Belk’s store and noticed a brown purse. The purse that has been my sidekick for the last year started to fall apart but it was still usable. Since I am very frugal, I told my husband that I couldn’t imagine paying $50 for a purse. Let’s wait till Black Friday and maybe it would have a big discount.
When I was waiting on my daughter to get out of dance class, I strolled through Belk and laid eyes on the purse. Immediately, my heart was with the purse. As time goes by, I decide to walk away. $50 on sale is a great deal, but $50 could purchase a lot of grocery items.
Fast forward two days and my husband and daughters meet me in the living room when I come in from work. All three have giant smiles across their faces. What did they pull off? Their money was pulled together along with two coupons and the much-wanted purse was purchased for a total of $33. You can imagine my face when the family presented me with this huge surprise. My oldest daughter said, now you do not have to worry about trying to find room for all of L’s medicine. Bless her heart! My family pulled off a huge surprise and I am extremely grateful.
Check out this beautiful Nine West purse!
Purse: Nine West at Belk
Pants and Shirt: Belk
Wedge Shoes: Crocs
Cardigan: Jarrett Bay Clothing Co.