It really has been laying on my heart the last couple of months about the Christmas season. This is my favorite time of the year and I just want to savor every moment. The season is always way too short for me and I wish I could wave a magical wand and extend the season. Christmas makes me happy and brings out so many emotions.
It is my goal to keep Christmas simple and let my girls know what the true meaning of Christmas is about. Yes, we have fun with Santa and the Elf on the Shelf but we cannot forget the true spirit of Christmas. Our Jesus Christ was born. We are celebrating his Birthday. I told my parents that I didn’t want this Christmas to be about gifts. I just want us to be together and have fun fellowship and enjoy the Christmas spirit that is all around us. We will do a $10 Christmas gift exchange game where each family member will bring a $10 gift. It will be fun and I am sure will bring lots of laughs. Then, I would like us to read the Christmas story altogether.
We even kept our tree simple this year. We have a huge 7.5 ft tree my parents gave us that we usually put up but I didn’t want to this year. I wanted to use our small tree and let the girls decorate it themselves. I cannot stop looking at the tree on a daily basis. I am in love with this tree and it is the best decorated tree in my eyes.

Now, this is how Christmas should be!